Monday, December 14

Then and Now

In honor of our 10 year high school reunion this year, I thought I would post some pictures I found in my "Mr. Eggleston" scrapbook from 11th grade. It was great to catch up with all my DB girls at our annual Christmas Dinner, and I wish I had brought these pics with me to show. But here they are for y'all to enjoy! Merry Christmas!



(And sorry, Becca...I didn't have any fun pics of you in my book, so you'll have to dig yours up and find some since the rest of us have to be put through this humiliation!!)

Wednesday, December 9

Little Turkey

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven...
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance...A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away.."
-Ecclesiastes 3:1-6

This is one of my favorite times of the year. It's a time to take inventory of the past twelve months that are slowly coming to a close and a time to give thanks for blessings past and future. It's a time to get together with friends and family and celebrate the good things in our life, even if the past year has been filled with hardship. We have so many things to be thankful for: most of all for Miller, who has a magical way of making people instantly forget their problems. Here are some pictures from Miller's first Thanksgiving!

Santa Claus is coming.....

Over Thanksgiving, the family made a trek out to the Opryland Hotel to have dinner and see the Christmas decorations and lights. It was M's first visit to Opryland with all of the lights up, and the family's first visit in a long, long time. Here are some pics:

Old Hickory Steakhouse...our favorite!

Lights in the Atrium

Mom looking cute in a Santa Hat!

Stopping for M's dinner...

In front of the Grand Christmas Tree.

Walking through the Atrium

Pictures with Santa! (Had no idea he would be there or we would have dressed up more for the we know!)


It has been brought to my attention that I am really slacking when it comes to taking and posting pictures of M. And I will admit, I have NO excuse. I could lie and say "I have to SLEEP when the baby SLEEPS" and I have no free time for computers or scanning or writing. This is, by the way, the most annoying piece of advice to a new mom that you could ever give and I promise to never dole it out myself.

In truth, I should have all the time in the world. ***knock on wood*** M sleeps on and off from about 11PM to 11AM and is in a semi-wakeful state for the rest of the day. (For those of you who know me, it seems as though she has taken after her mother and can fall deep into a REM cycle at the drop of a hat). So the lack of posting is simply laziness (or obsessive constant cleanliness) on my part. (Now that Nellie is back, I spend a lot of my free time picking up dog hairs, ugh!)

I apologize. And I promise that more updates will be in store.

Friday, December 4

Things that annoy me in the news...

Since I don't often have the time (or mental energy) to blog lately, it takes a LOT to make me pull the "Things that annoy me" out of the closet and dust it off. This irritates the crap out of me:


So you're a starting linebacker for a football team that is not only expected to win the SEC Championship this weekend, but also a shoe-in for a National title and you can't make a better decision than this? Police said they had to risk their lives just to jimmy open the car window to put the car in PARK after this kid drunkenly fell asleep at the wheel with his car stopped at a stop light! Have the foresight to take a taxi and not throw away a bright future: whether it be yours or an innocent's. It's called "tolerance" for a reason!