Friday, July 31

Larry David Spills Seinfeld Reunion Secrets... I just stole this from E! exciting!

"The context is that for years I've been asked about a Seinfeld reunion," he says. "I would always say, 'No. There's not going to be a reunion show. We would never do that. It's a lame idea.' And then I thought it might be very funny to do that on Curb. I kept thinking about it. I started to think of different scenarios and how we can pull this off. I called Jerry and Jerry was game. I said, 'Well, I'll call the others.' And I did and we did it. So we're doing a Seinfeld reunion show on Curb."

What exactly will we see during the creation of a faux reunion special? "We're going to see writing. We'll see aspects of the read-through, parts of rehearsals. You'll see the show being filmed and you'll see it on TV. You won't see the entire show. You'll see parts of the show. You'll get an an idea of what happened 11 years later. It will be incorporated into regular Curb episodes, so the castmembers will be playing themselves on Curb while all of this is going on."

Though it seems this could take up the entire season, he explains, "The reunion is scattered through the season and I think the cast will be on five shows. All four won't be on all five shows. Jerry is on five shows; the others will be on at least four. The season finale will be about the reunion show. It could very well be [a one-hour episode], but I haven't finished editing it yet. But that's a good possibility."

Thursday, July 30

Friends don't let friends drink friends....

So you might say that D and I are slightly obsessed with the new HBO series TrueBlood. If we don't catch the new episode on Sunday night, you can be sure it's on our DVR. I've even gone so far as to read the books (which I will warn you are addicting. I swore not to get ahead of the show, but now I'm on #6, go figure...)

But we both agreed that this is taking it a little too far.

The fictional beverage "TruBlood" has now been officially launched through You can order it from the website, but word on the street is that this sweet, fizzy, blood-orange flavored drink is already making its way to the Happy Hour scene for TruBlood vodka martinis and other fancy cocktails. Can you believe it?

I don't think we'll be seeing this in Nashville, but I have to admit I might try it if I did. For right now I think I'll have to pass on ordering it from the weekly dose of True Blood is enough to get me through.

For those of you who are a little late catching onto this show, a little advice: watch from the beginning. And if you haven't already been convinced...maybe this pic of Ryan Kwanten (who plays stumbly southern sweetie Jason Stackhouse on the show) will tempt you to check it out:

What a cutie!

Monday, July 27

Get a load of this....

Meet Miller! So it's taken my latest supercreepybutawesome ultrasound pictures to get me out of my posting funk. So here's our little angel! (Of course, take a look at those hands...I think she's rubbing them together plotting how to jab me in the rib or roundhouse me in my spinal cord. She's going to be a handful!)

She has Darren's nose

We call this one the "Beauty Pageant" picture...her umbilical cord looks like a "Miss Tiny Womb" sash

Don't worry...she doesn't have a hole in her head, she's just squished up against my bellybutton in this pic.

And for those of you who got really creeped out by these pictures, let me assure you that I did too! There's a real baby in there!

Wednesday, July 1

Big Baby

Okay, so this is my greatest fear, people....

On the left- Meet Chelsea Rose Mackay, the largest baby ever born in Australia, weighing in at a hefty 14 lbs. She looks like a toddler sumo-wrestler! This is a picture taken in the infants ward of Townsland Hospital in Queensland, Australia, showing Chelsea next to a 2 lb. preemie named Melissa. This picture scares the crap out of me!