Sunday, August 23

Baby Shower!

So it's been a little while since I've posted, but believe me, I've had a good reason....let me tell the story from the beginning.

BAM! Flash! Ears pop and my hair stands up on end. Yes, my house was struck by lightning (while I was upstairs on the couch, nevertheless) Of course Darren is out of town on business for the rest of the week and I'm left to freak out and make sure the house isn't on fire. (Thank God for good neighbors!) Anyhow, we officially lost 2 satellite receivers, 1 phone line, 1 digital phone, and the internet for about 2 weeks. So that is my excuse...if excuses are even necessary in the blogging world.

So I'm back on line and have some baby shower pictures to post! Thanks to Chrissy, Heather, and Gina for hosting! It was a beautiful day at Gina's beautiful house....I really couldn't have asked for more! Thanks to everyone again for making it such a special day!

Outside on Gina's was 70 degrees and sunny!

Presents! Look at the cute duckie feet!

Putting the stroller of my favorite moments from the day, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard!

okay, so maybe I did laugh harder that day....Dale and Darren putting together the pack 'n' play

Tuesday, August 4

Southern Food & Wine Show

So this weekend my company kicked off our very first partnership with The Food Network at the "Southern Food & Wine Show." It was exhausting, but fun...and I'm really proud of us for pulling off such a top-notch event in so little time. (They gave us a little over 3 weeks to prepare!!) Next year is already on the schedule, so make your plans to come and mingle with winemakers and celebrity chefs from all over the country!

This was before I logged about 8 miles walking around Opryland

Yay for our Florida friends! So glad to have Chris (aka Snowflake) working in Nashville now.