Monday, June 23

Wow! I finally got around to decorating our kitchen!

It is a drastic improvement from the bare, random box and wine storage that we had for the past year. (And always banging our head on the hanging light fixture!) When we moved in we decided not to paint the kitchen, seeing as we repainted almost every other room in the house. Even though I'm not a fan of the mustardy color, I like how the end result turned out. I'm especially proud of the table and chairs...I found them on Craigslist (for I won't tell you how cheap!) and sanded and repainted them. I'm so crafty!

Tuesday, June 3


Is this a kissy face or an "I'm really scared to get up on skis for the first time in a while" face? I guess we'll never know. This past weekend we had our first real houseguests! Chrissy, Heather, Maren, and Matt all hung out with us for a few days. We went to the lake on Sunday and everyone skied for a minute or two before they clunked out with muscle fatigue and passed on to the next person. We also spent about 45 minutes looking for a lost ski in the water. That was tons of fun! Our new patio furniture was put to the test and was given an A+! Peach Ice Cream was a hit as well....we'll have to do it again sometime gals!

Friday, May 30


Welcome to our blog! If any is a good time to begin blogging and become addicted to the internet it is now....seeing Darren and I just got married (woohoo!) and that the summertime is usually a little slower paced here in Tennessee. We will try to post pictures and keep everyone up-to-date with what is going on with the Rothenbergs-West Campus. Please post comments!!!